This project entitled AV LAMP has been created hiding a deep personal meaning behind the design. Samba wood and ice methacrylate have been used to make this light.
It is known that in the ancestral symbology, the triangle supported on its base represents the man and conversely represents the woman, the design of this luminaire seeks to make use of said symbology to transfer it to a much more personal terrain.
Acosta Vidal are two surnames that begin with the only letters formed by a triangle. In this way, the surname on the father's side (Acosta), is represented by the triangle that when opening the luminaire is located at the top, since it visually forms a letter A and symbolically represents the man.
On the other hand, the surname on the mother's side (Vidal) is represented by the triangle on which the light bulb rests. Thus, when you open the luminaire you can see a triangle like a V that represents the woman, with a light bulb in its central area that represents The Light of life.
Therefore, behind this luminaire a transcendental meaning is hidden: the creation of my life is represented with The Light that comes from the union of triangles A and V, thus turning the entire design into an allegory of my own birth.